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The love brick's a little old place where we can get together

We love UASUS. We love them this much.

Always safety first

UACS is always concerned with safety in the labs. In the event that you should feel unsafe at any time, please consult the Safety Precautions Manual [PDF].

We're here to see the kitty

This UACS April Fools debacle of 2005 had girls coming into the building all summer.

Student Group of the Month

UACS tries for the prestigious title of Student Group of the Month. Multiple times.

So long, farewell

UACS disbands? Oh, those crazy April Fools.

I Gots An Edukashun For Shpelling Goot

UACS fights back against illiteracy.

Brick in the wall

Ever have that nightmare where you come in one morning and your office door has been bricked over? Yeah, us too.

Shreds of truth

Moderation in modification is clearly something UACS doesn't understand, especially when it comes to office supplies.

Water cooling

That pun was unforgivable. So is this mod.

Did you know that we sell ridiculously cheap snacks and drinks? It's true!

During the the Fall and Winter semesters, our VP Social sends out weekly updates to keep you up to date on the latest activities in the department. If you're not in the department and still want to hear about our valiant efforts, send us an email and we'll send you the intel.

UACS has a brand new kettle this year. It doesn't taste like plastic because it's not made of plastic. To find out what it's made of, stop by the office!

We have the sexiest lockers on campus for only $10 per term plus a $5 lock deposit. Come get one while they're hot!