CMPUT610: Hand-Eye Coord & Visual Interaction by Martin Jägersand
Winter 2002, Tue, Thu 9:30-10:50am in CSC-B41 (Basement in the new Comp Sci building)
Course participation consisits of:
- Following readings on schedule, posing questions, and actively
participating in lectures.
- Three small warmup labs to get familiar with the lab environment.
Topics: Intro to matlab and image processing. Capturing images and tracking motion. Animation and control of a linked structure (arm).
- An individual project. Either:
- Do a significant literature research project. You are welcome to propose
your own topics, or we'll meet and discuss your interests and then
I can help with suggestions.
- Do a practical project in vision/robotics consistent with the course.
For the project you will:
- Hand in a written proposal.
- Prepare one presentation on your topic for the class.
- Hand in a written final report (about 6-8 pages in the format and
style of a research report.
You will present your findings and progress during the course, and
write a final report. Grading: 50% Project, 30% labs, 20% Active class
People not taking it for credit (sitting in or auditing) are expected
to keep up with the course readings, and maybe do a smaller reading project.
Lecture notes
- Lecture 1: Introduction and overview html,
- Lecture 2: Motion and optic flow html,
- Lecture 3: Subspaces for optic slow html,
- Lecture 4: PCA and linear subspaces html,
- Lecture 5: Intro to biological vision html,
- Lecture 6: Biological image flow and motion detection html, Some demos.
- Lecture 7: Project plans and discussion ,
- Lecture 8: Vision based motion control html,
- Lecture 9: Estimation of Motor-Visual functions html,
- Lecture 10: Visual task definition html,
- Lecture 11: Other sensory control: force html,
- Lecture 12: Intro to motor physiology and anatomyhtml,
- Lecture 13: Temporal superposition of movement html,
- Lecture 14: Eye movements and the Ocular-Motor system html,
- Lecture 15: Hand-Eye systems Sw Eng html,
- Lecture 16: Deciphering the Human Visuomotor System. Cheryl html
- Lecture 17: Model Independent Visual Servoing. Zhen html, ,
- Lecture 18: Image Based Animation, Keith, html
- Lecture 19: Tracking and XVision, Chris
- Lecture 20: Robot arm hardware, Sean, .html
- Lecture 21: Vision-Based Interactive Systems html,
- Image variability and Motion We'll start by studying the classic
x,y optic flow, then gernralize it to include translations, rotations
and scale:
- Chapter 9 from Stockman and Shapiro: Motion from 2D Image Sequences. Read the introductory sections cursorly.
Pay attention to the definitions in Section 9.3 and then closely look at the
optic flow equations in Section 9.3.5. Notice that we can write image
variability in more than x,y image plane translations as in Eq 1 in Hong Zhou's report (just look at Eq. 1. No need to read the rest unless you want to)
- Efficient
Region Tracking With Parametric Models of Geometry and Illumination (with
P. Belhumeur). IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
20(10), pp. 1125-1139, 1998. (34 pages, 2.7M compressed postscript)
© IEEE Greg and Peter
look at image variability in a quite general form, but it is essentially
the same as in Hong's report. We'll study the image variability modelling
in Section 2 early in the course, then follow up later with the tracking.
- Jägersand M.
Image Based View Synthesis of an Articulated Agent
In Proc of CVPR '97, also TR 595, Computer Science, Univ. of Rochester.
- Black, M.J., Yacoob, Y., Jepson, A.D., and Fleet, D.J. (1997) Learning
parameterized models of image motion. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, Puerto Rico, June, pp. 561-567
(compressed postscript)
How to learn a low dimensional subspace which organizes the flow of
individual points.
- J.L. Barron, Fleet, D.J., and Beauchemin, S. (1994)
Performance of
optical flow techniques International Journal of Computer Vision,
12(1):43-77. An overview paper for those interested in
what other optic flow techniques there are.(Cursory reading sufficient)
- J.L. Barron, and Beauchemin, S.
Computation of
optical flow Complementary reading to lectures.
- Biological visual processing and motion detection.
- Review of the human visual system: Read through
The eye
and Visual pathways . Focus on functional aspects rather than anatomy and names. (These readings
are written for med students). Also the first few sections of
Kaiser provide a good
overview of early visual processing in humans.
- Overview of human motion detection . Feel free to check the other nice demos on Johannes home page .
- Chapter 2 of Abbot and Dayan
provides a more detailed and formal description of neural processing in
visual cortex.
- Directionally Selective Complex Cells and the Computation of Motion
Energy in Cat Visual Cortex
Emerson, R. C., Bergen, J. R., and Adelson, E. H.
Vision Research, 32:203-218 (1992).
- (Optional reading) "Computing Optical Flow Distributions Using Spatio-Temporal Filters" Simoncelli, E. P., and Adelson, E. H.
MIT Media Laboratory Vision and Modeling Technical Report #165 (1991)
, Postscript.z,
"Spatiotemporal Energy Models for the Perception of Motion"
Adelson, E. H., and Bergen, J. R.
Journal Optical Society of America A, 2(2):284-299 (1985).
Abstract   pdf
  Postscript.z. These two papers make the connection between the Reichardt detector used to model motion detection in humans and
animals, and the optic flow equations favored in computer vision.
- Vision and other sensory based control.
- Start by reading through Chapter 1 and 2 of
Alexa's thesis.
- Try to understand in detail sections 3, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 of this tutorial to uncalibrated control.
- Read through
Image Based Visual Simulation and Tele-Assisted Robot Control
by Jägersand M.
In IROS '97, Proc. New Trends in Image Based Visual Servoing.
- Try to get the idea of parallel and serial compositions of primitives
for composing tasks from our paper.
- (Probably optional reading, haven't decided) Visual-motor and other viewing models, Vision and force hybrid motion control , IROS 2000.
Jeanelle and Gary's paper considers a modified Newton method to account for time
- Human motor control.
- Tutis tutorial on Motor Cortex,
- Chapter 3 and 4 of
Alexa's thesis.
- Tutorial on eyemovements,
(?) (PDF)
- (Optional reading) Jeff Pelz thesis Visual Representations in a Natural Visuo-motor Task
- User interfaces for robots and other machines.
- Kunioshi et al: "Seeing, Understanding and Doing Human task", "Robot See, Robot Do, Ikeuchi et al: "Assembly plan from observation.
- Polly K. Pook,
"Teleassistance: Using Deictic Gestures to Control Robot Action",
TR 594 and Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, September 1995.
Course and Reference Literature
Hand-Eye Coordination
- Vision-Based Reach-To-Grasp Movements: From the Human Example to an Autonomous Robotic System by Alexa Hauck
A Tutorial Introduction to Visual Servo Control G. Hager, S. Hutchinson
and P. Corke IEEE Transactions on
Robotics and Automation, 12(5) pp. 651-670, 1996.
(122K compressed postscript)
- Task Specification Languages for Uncalibrated Visual Servoing by Zach Dodds, Yale University, 2000. (186 pages, 13M)
- Finding Final Postures by
Vaughan, Rosenbaum, Harp, Loukopoulos and Engelbrecht.
Image Based Visual Simulation and Tele-Assisted Robot Control
by Jägersand M.
In IROS '97, Proc. New Trends in Image Based Visual Servoing.
Computer Vision
Human Vision and Neuro Science
Applications and Demos
Supplementary and introductory material