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UACS Constitution


1.1 Official Name

The official name of the organization is the "Undergraduate Association of Computing Science", and is abbreviated U.A.C.S. or UACS.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of UACS is to promote an environment for the interaction of computing science students with other computing science students and with other relevant parties. UACS shall engage in activities relating to social, academic, and professional interests. UACS will be the undergraduate student group for the Department of Computing Science.

1.3 Conduct

Unless otherwise stated all rules and regulations will follow Robert's Rules of Order.

1.4 Organization

UACS consists of an executive council and a student body. The executive council is made up of a twelve (12) member executive core and up to four (4) executive advisors. The student body consists of all full members of UACS as defined in section 2.1.

1.5 Meetings

Weekly executive council meetings are to be held as per section 5.5. General meetings may be called at any time at the request of at least 10% of the full members of UACS or by the consensus of the executive council. The executive council shall give a minimum of seven (7) days public notice prior to each general meeting. Both the weekly executive meetings and the general meetings are open to all members of UACS, however executive meetings may move in camera if deemed necessary by the executive core.


2.1 Membership Eligibility

To be eligible for a membership with UACS, one must be a student enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University of Alberta.

To qualify as a FULL member of UACS with all voting privileges, one must be an undergraduate student who is taking a minimum of one (1) computing science course in the scholastic year or is registered in a computing science program. Any other undergraduate students at the University of Alberta who wish to be a part of UACS will be considered ASSOCIATE members. Associate members do not have voting privileges.

2.2 Membership Dues

UACS reserves the right to charge membership dues. Additional fees may be charged for services rendered by UACS.

2.3 Membership Duration

UACS membership remains as long as the requirements are met. See section 2.1 for membership definition.

2.4 Membership Suspension

A membership may be suspended by the unanimous consent of the core executive. A suspended member cannot rejoin UACS until one (1) year has passed since suspension of that member and provided that they have paid any arrears in full.

Any full member who becomes ineligible for full membership at any time during the year will have their full membership status revoked immediately. Such persons will have the option of becoming associate members according to associate membership rules and can regain full membership when eligible.


3.1 Presentation of Proposal

A proposal for amendment of the constitution must be formally presented in writing to the executive council. The proposal must be approved by a majority vote of the core executive before being presented to the full members for ratification.

3.2 Full Member Vote on Proposal

The executive council must provide the full members a minimum of seven (7) days public notice of intent to vote on the proposal. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the full members must cast their vote regarding the proposed amendment of the constitution. Voting is to take place in an anonymous manner.

3.3 Ratification and Adoption

A proposed amendment to the constitution must be ratified by a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of the voters to become law. If passed, the amendment will be legally adopted twenty four (24) hours after the close of voting.


4.1 Definition of Bylaws

Bylaws of UACS are defined as rulings which are passed by the core executive and which remain in effect until deleted. A bylaw may not contradict any article of the constitution of UACS.

4.2 Presentation of Proposal

Any core executive member can make a proposal for establishment or amendment of a bylaw. The proposal must be formally presented in writing at an executive meeting.

4.3 Ratification and Adoption

Ratification of the proposed establishment or amendment of a bylaw requires the majority vote of core executive members. If passed, the proposed bylaw must be formally presented in writing at an executive meeting and notification must be given to the student body seven (7) days prior to its adoption.

4.4 Removal of a Bylaw

Removal or modification of a bylaw is to take place as set out by sections 4.1 Ð 4.3 for addition of a bylaw.


5.1 Titles and Jurisdictions

The core executive consists of twelve (12) elected positions with the following titles and jurisdictions:

a) President

b) Vice-President Internal

c) Vice-President External

d) Vice-President Social

e) Vice-President Finance

f) Vice-President Publicity

g) Secretary

h) Vice-President Sports

The full members are also to elect one representative from each of the four undergraduate years whose titles will be First, Second, Third and Fourth Year Representative. They will act as liaisons between the UACS executive council and fellow students of their representative year. The Fourth Year Representative's responsibilities will include overseeing graduation activities. The Third Year Representative's responsibilities will include acting as an intermediary between UACS and the Industrial Internship Program (IIP) administration. Year coordinators must be registered in their year of representation or one year higher.

Signing authority shall be given only to the President, Vice-President Finance, and one other core executive member chosen by the other core executive members.

The executive council consists of the twelve (12) core positions plus four (4) advisors appointed by the executive as set out in section 5.4.

5.2 Eligibility for Executive Positions

The President must be a full member of UACS who has held either an elected or appointed position on the UACS executive for at least one prior term as defined in section 5.3. The position is open to all full members if the latter condition cannot be fulfilled.

The Vice President Finance must be a full member of UACS who has held either an elected or appointed position on the UACS executive for at least one prior term as defined in section 5.3. The position is open to all full members if the latter condition cannot be fulfilled.

The remaining core executive positions must be filled by full members of UACS.

Persons holding any of the positions outlined in section 5.1 must be full members throughout their term. Should any person holding such a position become ineligible for full membership at any time, they must resign from that position immediately, lose full membership status and have the option of becoming an associate member. A by-election is to be called at the next general meeting. A minimum of fourteen (14) days notice must be given to the student body. The remaining executive have the authority to appoint another full member of UACS to the position temporarily until the by-election can be held.

5.3 Terms of the Executive

The term of the executive shall be one (1) year in duration and shall commence on May first (1st) of the current year.

5.4 Executive Powers

The executive council is free to manage the affairs of UACS as long as they do not violate the constitution or bylaws of UACS and the University of Alberta or the Municipal, Provincial, or Federal laws in effect.

The executive council may appoint and dismiss a maximum of four (4) students at large from the general body to provide support for the UACS executive and activities.

5.5 Executive Meetings

To ensure accountability, the executive council shall meet once per week to discuss current and upcoming UACS events and issues. These meetings may also be used to suspend memberships, pass bylaws and appoint or dismiss advisors.

When necessary, tenable executive meetings shall be called by the President or by the request of a minimum of five (5) executive members.

Any ten (10) core executive members constitute a quorum. A quorum of core executive members must be present to constitute a legitimate executive meeting.

All meetings shall be open to members of UACS, however proceedings may move in camera if deemed necessary by the core executive.

All meetings shall be open to members of UACS.

5.6 Dismissal of Executive Members

At the request of a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the student body, a general meeting may be called for the purpose of dismissing a member of the elected executive council. The purpose of the meeting is to allow the student body to present its complaint and to allow the member in question to defend him or herself. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the student body must be in attendance as defined in section 6.4, to vote. A minimum of sixty percent (60%) of those present must vote in favor of dismissal in order to dismiss the member. The student body shall be given a minimum of seven (7) days public notice of the meeting and its agenda.

5.7 Office Hours

Each core executive member shall hold office hours of a minimum of three (3) hours each week.

5.8 Remuneration

No member of UACS shall receive any remuneration for their services.


6.1 Notice of Election

The election of core executive officers shall be called by the President. The election is to take place no later than the fourth (4th) week of March. A minimum of twenty- one (21) days public notice must be given to the student body prior to the election.

6.2 Nominations

Nominations for any of the executive positions must be received by the current executive one (1) week prior to the election.

In order for a nomination to be valid the nominee must be a full or associate member of UACS and must be accompanied by the signatures of five (5) full members of UACS. If running for the position of President or Vice-President Finance the nominee must also meet the guidelines stipulated in section 5.2.

Associate members nominated for a position will only appear on the ballot if no full members have been nominated for the same position.

6.3 Voting

A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the student body must be in attendance for the election of executive officers. Voting is to take place in an anonymous manner.

6.4 Attendance

Full members who vote by paper are considered "in attendance" for the election. Full members who vote electronically are considered "in attendance" for the election. Candidates have the right to allow a representative to be present during the counting of ballots.

6.5 Result of the Vote

Each elected position on the UACS executive will be filled by the nominee who receives the most votes for that position. In the case of a position by acclamation, that position will be filled by the single nominee provided that nominee receives at least fifty percent (50%) of the vote plus 1.

If a position is vacant after an election the core executive can appoint a member of the student body or the responsibilities of the vacant position may be assumed by one or more of the remaining executives.

6.6 Special Circumstances

A tie will be resolved by a vote of the remaining new core executive members. If the executive is deadlocked, a by-election will take place.

If any core executive position is vacated during the term, a by-election must be held within one (1) month.

On a ballot where there is a position by acclamation, the ballot must, for those positions only, have the choices yes, no, or abstain.

A spoiled ballot occurs if there is more than one candidate marked off for any one position.

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